Calcomp2000 ASCII / MM1201 ASCII

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Driver's name: Calcom2k


The Calcomp2000 ASCII format was tested with a Calcomptablett. As settings 9600 Baud served, 8N1, CR and LF, run fashion,


The Microstationformat was tested in the emulation of the same tray.


The setting of the serial interface must occur from the command line with "mode com1...". If the Handshake is activated, must be connected of the Digitizer always when Moskito is begun.


Data format:


x, y, t<CR><LF>and (x, y) the co-ordinate is as a whole number without portent. t is the low-spirited key. 0 stands for no key low-spirited, 1-9 for the keys from 0 to 8. It follow for the keys 9 and A-F:

:;< =>?


With removed cursor becomes the last co-ordinate with the last key code weitergeschickt. The key code of a low-spirited key is repeated as long as, until the key is unleashed.


123,456,789,123.3                Position (123456,789123) with low-spirited key 2


The MM1201-A format differs from that point of view that only the keys from 1 to 6 exist.