Plotter signature table

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The plotter signature tables become from Moskito thus interprets that an input free of format is possible. Word wraps, blanks... have no meaning. Comments begin with a call sign'!' and end at the line end. All key words must be written in capital letters. Plotter signature tables are filed in the list.\SIGNATUR\*.sig.


Key words:




signaturTabelle:: =

"DKY" uprightly dky_statements

| "DKY" uprightly uprightly dky_statements

| "DKA" uprightly dka_statements

| "DKA" uprightly uprightly dka_statements

| "KEY" uprightly

| "KEY" uprightly uprightly



dky_statement dky_statements |




| bln_statement

| sym_statement

| rgb statement

| qtx statement

| flags_statement



"TLN" uprightly



"BLN" bln_liste



"RGB" uprightly

| "RGB" uprightly uprightly

| "RGB" uprightly uprightly uprightly

| "RGB" uprightly uprightly uprightly uprightly



bln_liste uprightly uprightly |



"SYM" uprightly uprightly uprightly

| "SYM" uprightly uprightly uprightly



dka_statement dka_statements |




| tln_statement

| bln_statement

| flags_statement

| rgb statement

| qtx statement

| sym_statement



"SRA" uprightly uprightly uprightly

| "SRA" uprightly uprightly



"QTX" <name> TEXT <worth>

| "QTX" <name> INT uprightly uprightly

| "QTX" <name> REAL uprightly uprightly

| "QTX" <name> INT uprightly

| "QTX" <name> REAL uprightly



"FLAGS" uprightly



With the help of a plotter signature file it is possible to steer the drawing of lines through the plotter. In the signature file can be given, for example how the Strichliiermuster or the line width of a line has to look. Every signature file exists of a row of signatures whose settings are transmitted to the next signature, provided that they are not headlined. With the help of the key word "KEY" an area can be given by object keys for which the signatures should be valid. If no object key area is given before the first signature, the area is accepted by from 0 to 0. When the next is able to do either the key word "DKY" for a line signature or the key word "DKA" for a shading signature. A signature key or a signature key area must follow both key words.


KEY sentence KEY <object key> <object key> |


KEY <Object key>


With the KEY sentence the object key area for which the following signatures should be valid is fixed. The given area is valid up to the next KEY sentence. If only one object key is given, the following signatures are valid only for one object key. If no object key area is given for one or several signatures, it is accepted as an object key 0.


KEY 1000 IN 1010

KEY 1050

DKY sentence DKY <signature key> <signature key>

DKY <Signature key>


With DKY a line signature is opened. The line signature is valid only for objects with an object key in the area given with KEY. Behind the key word follows a key area or an easy signature key. All settings from the preceding line signature are taken over if they are not headlined.


The signature key can amount to a value to 32.767 in Moskito. With certain formats is valid here, however, a decreased Höchstwert (e.g., DBB: 255).


DKY 10 20

DKY 23

TLN sentence TLN <tool number>


With the help of the TLN sentence a tool number can be given for a signature. The tool number is connected in the tool table with concrete tools and a line width.


TLN 10

BLN sentence BLN <Linienlänge1> <Abstand1>... <Linienlänge50> <Abstand50>


After the key word BLN one is able just Number of values are given which define a Strichliiermuster. Besides, a line length and the length of the interdistance is given alternately to the next line. All lengths are given in 1/100 mm. It are permitted up to 50 length pairs. Should for example, a line with 3-mm line length and a distance of 2 mm be drawn so the following is to be given:


BLN 300 200

SYM sentence SYM <symbolic number> <symbolic distance>

SYM <Symbolic number> <symbolic distance> <corner distance>


The SYM sentence permits a line pattern to explain with the help of symbols. Besides, the line with symbols with the given symbolic number is drawn. Between the symbolic reference points a distance of <symbolic distance is <>in 1 / 100 mm. With the corner distance a minimum distance can be determined by the last symbol up to the next crease point of a line train. If the distance of the symbolic reference point is smaller to the crease point than the minimum distance, the symbol is not drawn any more.


SYM 10 300 500

FLAGS sentence FLAGS <flags>


Normally line connections are pulled through are shown (solidly) and the line ends rounded. The line representation can be refined by information of the FLAGS sentence (e.g., by information of a line pattern).


Possible Flags are:







16 rectangular line ends

32 level line ends

64 firm widths. The width will maintain, even if the plan graduation and the representation graduation do not agree

In 1024 a symbol to be shown is presented in the middle of the line train

8192 P connections are shown obviously

16384 It the vector is shown from the Beginning to the terminator point

The values must be added, so, e.g., 4+32=36


RGB sentence RGB <uprightly>

RGB <uprightly> <uprightly>

RGB <uprightly> <uprightly> <uprightly>

RGB <uprightly> <uprightly> <uprightly> <uprightly>


Herewith a real colour is given. With 1 or 2 values the first value is the RGB value as rot*255*256+grün*255+blau. With 3 or 4 values the first 3 values him are red, green portion and blue portion. The if necessary remaining value is the width in 1 / 100tel. mm.


There is a special provision for the representation of the foreground and background colour: Because knows in Moskito as well as black as a background colour can be chosen, the foreground colour Variable ones must be also determinable to themselves, so that, for example, a line can be defined which seems black before white background and seems white before black background. In this case <>only one value is written instead of the first three <>upright values:


16777216 => Foreground colour (knows with black background, black with white background)


33554431 => Background colour (black with black background, knows with white background)


DKA sentence DKA <signature key> <signature key>

DKA <Signature key>


With the DKA sentence a surface signature is opened. The Fähchensignatur is valid only for objects with an object key in the area given with KEY. Behind the key word follows a key area or an easy signature key. All settings from the preceding surface signature are taken over if they are not headlined.


The signature key can amount to a value to 32.767 in Moskito. With certain formats is valid here, however, a decreased Höchstwert (e.g., DBB: 255)


DKA 40 50

DKA 51

QTX sentence QTX <name> TEXT <worth> | QTX <name> INT <iWert> | QTX <name> INT <iWert1> <iWert2> | QTX <name> REAL <rWert> | QTX <name> REAL <rWert1> <rWert2>


If a restriction of the validity permits for DKY-or DKA entry. So that this is used, the object keys, the sign keys / shadings and the attribute must agree.


QTX< name> TEXT <worth>


An attribute <name> must exist and <>have the textual contents <worth>, casesensitiv.


QTX <name> INT <iWert>


An attribute <name> must exist and <>contain the integer <iWert>. Leading blanks and the following signs are ignored.


QTX <name> INT <iWert1> <iWert2>


An attribute <name> must exist and <><>contain an integer between <iWert1> including and <iWert2> exclusively. Leading blanks and the following signs are ignored.


QTX <name> REAL <rWert>


An attribute <name> must exist and <>contain the floating decimal point number <rWert>. Leading blanks and the following signs are ignored.


QTX <name> REAL <rWert1> <rWert2>


An attribute <name> must exist and <><>contain a floating decimal point number between <rWert1> including and <rWert2> exclusively. Leading blanks and the following signs are ignored.

SRA sentence SRA <distance> <corner> <indicator>


For a surface signature a shading can be given. A shading exists of a row of parallel lines with the given distance in 1 / 100 mm and a corner of 0-360 degrees, in the counterclockwise rotary. With the indicator the base corner can be specified. Besides, means an indicator value from


0: The shading corner is covered to the first line segment.

1: The shading corner is covered to the X axis of the co-ordinate system.

2: How 0.

3: How 1.


For the shading lines a signature can be also given with the TLN and BLN.


A special role is reached with Abstand=0. Then a surface filling is carried out. In this case the parametre Corner takes up other parametres. The value 0 leads here to a standard filling.


Corner is split in bit areas.


Bits 0-3 prove filling pattern (0=Vollfläche).

Bit 4 Steering the transparency.

Bit 5-8 The grid operation while filling.