Browse FILE


Windows dialogue open file choice.


All parametres must be given in exactly this order. The handing over of empty sign chains is possible.



Prewell-chosen list. Default: last used list, but Moskito\main.nt


Title of the dialogue. Default: Open


The file name which is given in the field "File name". protect (e.g., with)

<File ending>

File ending it is suspended if in the field File name no ending is given.

<File filter><...>

Arbitrarily many pairs from two parametres. The first parametre is the text which is indicated in the field File type, the second parametre of the file filters which is applied if this entry is selected.


Short help

Return value



File name

Call was carried out successfully


No file well-chosen



Browse FILE """"""""""

The dialogue "file open" opens in the list used last.

Browse (file s_concat (f_dir (/RET) \.\rahmen\dbb\1013) "file open""" *.hdf "Moskito Maps (*.hdf)""" "all files (*. *)" *. *)

The dialogue "file open" opens in the list rahmen\dbb in the Moskito's list. Only files are indicated by the type HDF. In the list file type the user has the choice between "Moskito Maps (*.hdf)" and „All files (*. *)“. The dialogue filters accordingly the indicated files.

See also


Browse Color