BuildHierarchy |
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Lists one or all objects of an elective data bank under information of the ObjektID. Plus the classes higher to the object from the data model will be economical. As an input the function expects any number in records with the structure: ID of the object, name of the object, ID of the class object, sorts climbing up according to ID of the object. The function delivers so many records back like were given in the form: NameKlasse1|NameKlasse2 | |NameObjekt All class names must be given in the call parametres. If a class name cannot be determined in the hierarchy, only the object name is returned. Syntax BuildHierarchy {/H} {ONLY/<ID>} Parametre: ONLY/<ID> <>spend only the hierarchy of the object with the <ID ID>
Example New data bank structure: BuildHierarchy (SQLquery ("SUEWAG_Modell2000 SELECT ObjectID, ObjectDescription, classID ORDER FROM OBJECTS BY ObjectID"))
Old data bank structure BuildHierarchy (SQLquery ("SUEWAG_Modell97 SELECT ObjektID, object name, (Select ObjektID FROM object classes WHERE Class key = class) objects FROM ORDER BY ObjektID"))