DisplayWindowMenu |
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Show one with DefineWindowMenu to provided window menus. The menu is not visible after the new start of Moskito any more. Parametre N<ame / menu name> Name of the menu WINDOW/<WINDOW> The window number to which the menu should be assigned. -1 input windows -2 graphics windows or the return value of CreateDafaultWIndow / MENU-CASH A menu is provided. / TOOL-CASH A tool bar (badge strip) is provided. /POPUP A Popup-menu (pop-up menu, legal mouse key menu) is provided. /ACCEL A key abbreviation (Accelerator) is provided. / STATUS-CASH A status bar is provided. /H Short help indicate Return value
Dialogue Order give: DisplayWindowMenu
The window number to which the menu should be assigned: -2 The query is cancelled if the counter <>was put to WINDOW/<WINDOW>. Name of the menu: MeinMenü The query is cancelled if the counter name / menu <name> was put. Order give: Example See also