

GMLparse filters out from the inquiry to a mosquito-web server the values of single elements or puts on the questioned objects of the server. It processes an inquiry calm in GML.

By information of a (GML-) element one can extract from a given inquiry GML with GMLparse the elements.


GML = Geographic Markup Language



Entire io_httpGet or io_httpPost inquiry


From GML element to be extracted


Put in of the requested objects


Short help

Return value:


Return by call with element:

comma-separated list of the element values. 1 value in the list

if the number of the returned values brags

Return by call with/LOAD:

Object (e) in suitable plan




GMLparse "io_httpGet http://<Server>/ogc_wfs?REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION=1.1.0&resultType=Results&PropertyName=K_SW_Rundschacht/AltName&BBOX=3483000,5470000,3487000,5474000" old name

GMLparse gets with the function io_httpGet behind http://<Server>..... Standing inquiry and gets the answer of the server (in the GML format) as an input. Old name <>is extracted the element which from the <>inquiry generated by the SERVER (http://<Server>) and when comma-separated list is given.

<Server> stands controlled on behalf for every calculator of the GML and can process.