MDBconnect [procedure] |
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The procedure MDBconnect enables to connect it data banks. The definition of the procedure "MDBconnect" is in the folder ". \\Moskito\rahmen\batch\" in the file "init.cmd".
As necessary handing over values (arguments briefly arg1, arg2) are given to the procedure data bank name and connecting kind with. Syntax MDBconnect {data bank} {figure abbreviation user rights} The procedure needs the name of the data bank (without file ending) as the first handing over value. The second handing over value steers the Berechtigungsungsart with that the data bank is connected.
0 = Writing 1 = Only reading 2 = Exclusively reading linked, i.e. no other users possibly. 3 = if possibly writing, usually reading connect.
Example: MDBconnect ALKIS 3 Is produced a connection, possibly with writing rights, to of the data bank with the name ALKIS.
All data banks which must be supposed to be connected in a list stand which Moskito the bandaging allowed, because the paths from the global Variably GDS$Database are selected. As a rule the data bank should be stored in the list Moskito\rahmen\Database or in the Databaseverzeichnis of her application.