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The development of Moskito's functions is feasible in principle with everybody under Windows NT or Windows 95 to available compiler. For the following compilers exist experiences: •Watcom C of the version 10 and 10.6 Because Moskito with this compiler was developed, there are no compatibility problems. In the Target must be given as an Includeverzeichnis moskito\include. The libraries lie in lib\watcom.nt. •Watcom C of the version 11 It is to be seen to the setting Stack Structures. She must stand on 1 byte. Stack is in this version without effect and, therefore, aims on 8 bytes. In the Target must be given as an Includeverzeichnis moskito\include. The libraries lie in lib\watcom.nt. All projects should be compiled with the option-sg, because the stack air is not switched on, otherwise. •Visual BASIC The development is possible, till present, however, no Headerdateien are given for this. •Microsoft C The libraries lie in Moskito\lib\msvc.nt. The compiler settings must be bet in such a way that structures on 1-byte borders are packed. In the list Moskito\source.usr\user an entire project exists for MSVC with really opposed parametres. With this project the development can be begun by user functions. The project is begun with the file user.vcproj.
The project is so preset that the Ergebnis-DLL are copied in the list main.nt\system\userif. To the Debuggen Moskito G SHARP is begun normally and integrated about „Debuggen|Prozesse …“. Then Breakpoints which lie in own function can be defined.
Structures and data types