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Grid element add.

With this function a new grid element is generated in a data bank in an object. This can be an element stored in the data bank, as well as a file. 1, 8 and 24 bits can be awarded pixel. With 1 and 8 bits a palette is used. The differentiation whether it concerns a file or an internal grid happens in hand of the field data. If ZERO hands over here, the file name is understood as a TIFF file.

Grid elements cannot be stored in all plan kinds. This element type is ignored, for example, in DBB plans.


obj (POBJECT) [IN]

The new grid element is assigned to this object.

typ (int) [IN]

RASTER_TYP_1BPP 1 1 bit pixel.

RASTER_TYP_8BPP 2 8 bits pixel

RASTER_TYP_24BPP 3 24 bits pixel

sizeX (long int) [IN]

Width of the grid in pixels, is only used with internal grid data.

sizeY (long int) [IN]

Height of the grid in pixels, is only used with internal grid data.

data (char *) [IN]

The grid data. They are expected packed.

flags (int) [IN]

At the moment is defined only one Flag:


The data are fitted between (xlow, ylow) and (xhigh, yhigh). Without information this Flags corresponds 1 pixel of the issue 1 pixel of the grid file.

xLow (stands in) [IN]

yLow (stands in) [IN]

Geo-co-ordinates of the lower, left corner of the grid

xHigh (stands in) [IN]

yHigh (stands in) [IN]

Geo-co-ordinates of the upper, right corner of the grid

palette (long int *) [IN]

Pointer on a field in which the palette is stored if a format this needs. Every entry contains in lower 24 bits them Red (16-23), green (8-15) and blue values (0-7).

datalen (long int) [IN]

Length of the field Data in bytes.

filename (char *) [IN]

Name of the file if the grid from a TIFF file should be loaded. The file name must be entire.

filetype (char *) [IN]

Up to now always "TIF". There is an other type RDV for a grid data bank.

DKY (int) [IN]

Sign key. If no graphic meaning has, serves for the differentiation of the grids in an object.

PaletteLen (int) [IN]

Number of the entries in the palette. If no palette is given the value is ignored. If a palette is given, the length from the grid data type is calculated with value 0, with values greater 0 the value than length is taken over. Values greater than 256 generate an enlarged palette, e.g., for DEMs.



The procedure delivers either the trading of the new grid element or ZERO in case of a mistake.


#include "database.h"




int typ,

long int sizeX,

long int sizeY,

char * data,

int flags,

stand in xLow,

stand in yLow,

stand in xHigh,

stand in yHigh,

long int * palette,

long int datalen,

char * filename,

char * filetype
