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New field insert in a data bank definition DBASE.

The definition of the structure of a DBASE data bank must occur before the real opening of the data bank and before the colt of the data bank with data and cannot be changed afterwards any more. Every call of DBASEinsertField generates a new data bank field in the data bank. On putting on the last field the definition of the data bank has to come too DBASEendCreateDatabase are concluded.


hndl (FILE *) [IN]

The trading of the DBASE data bank, from DBASEcreateDatabase it was returned.

name (char *) [IN]

The name of the new data bank field. This name has the length restriction from the file structure DBASE and, therefore, may be no longer as 11 signs. To store still the final zero sign what makes easier the processing from other programmes, the name a letter should be shorter.

typ (char) [IN]

This sign is taken over in the type information of the data bank field. It is carried out at the moment no control on valid values, however, only the signs C, N, L, D and M may be given.

feldlaenge (int) [IN]

This is the length of the data bank field. It are also planned with ASCII fields no zero signs. With the extraction of data bank entries these are postled. The length cannot cross 255, because it must be accommodated in a character.

dezimalstellen (int) [IN]

With floating decimal point values this gives the number of the postcomma places. The value may be no longer as the field and the length must be still considered for the decimal point.


(int) [OUT]

TRUE if putting on the data bank field has functioned.

FALSE if a mistake has appeared. Possible mistakes are full before all memory lack and record.


#include "dbase.h"


int DLLENTRY DBASEinsertField (

FILE * hndl,

char * name,

char typ,

int feldlaenge,

int dezimalstellen



Related function

