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Removes single object keys.

With DBdeleteObjectKeys keys can be removed from an object. The keys will hand over in a field of the type KEY [] and may contain double and not existing keys. Also entries with the value 0 are ignored. All together the field keyCnt the entries which are searched has. As soon as in this field a key is found which also exists in the object with the trading object, this is removed from the object.


object (POBJECT) [IN]

This is the trading of the object whose keys should be extinguished.

keyCnt (int) [IN]

If registers the number of keys which exist in the field keys. Invalid entries are counted.

keys (KEY *) [IN]

The field with the keys to be extinguished. The keys which do not exist in the object and entries with the value 0 which describe no key are ignored.



in the case of the perfect implementation DBdeleteObjectKeys delivers the value ERROR_OK.


#include "database.h"


T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBdeleteObjectKeys (

POBJECT object,

int keyCnt,

KEY * keys



Related function
