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If a new level inserts in the plan management.

The plans of the plan management are divided in levels. Every level has universal signs and those which are different for every plan. One of the universal signs is the resolution, a specific one is the position. Every plan belongs to a level and the level must be not necessarily defined before the insertion of the plan. DBgdvInsertLayer inserts a new level in the plan management and defines their parametre. Furthermore the procedure collects all plans which belong to this level and produces an index with whose help plans of a level can be found after her position.


root (PROOT) [IN]

The trading of the data bank in which the plan management is opened.

layer (int) [IN]

Every level has a number which identifies this level as an unequivocal key. It is turned down as a mistake if a level should be put on whose number already exists in the plan management.

massstab (ULONG) [IN]

This is the text graduation and symbolic graduation. He brags with which graduation the size of the texts and symbol which is given in the 1/100 mm is right. For other resolutions this size must be converted accordingly.

aufloesung (STANDS IN) [IN]

Because the co-ordinates are stored as fixed comma figures, a base unity must be fixed for these figures. This is the grid of all data in the data bank. Outwardly this grid does not appear, because all data are given as floating decimal point values and are converted only inside.

plantyp (const char *) [IN]

Here the plan type of the later plans is fixed. However, he can be fixed for every plan individually. The plan type shows normally at the same time the list in which the plans can be discovered.

version (int) [IN]

The parametre is taken over only in the data bank and is not evaluated.

art (char) [IN]

'A' if a storage of the co-ordinates causes as absolute values,

'R' if a storage of the co-ordinates causes as relative values to the left lower corner.

put (int) [IN]

This parametre may contain '7' or '9' and gives how the data are stored in the data bank. The parametre becomes from Moskito not evaluated, because the storage always occurs in a firm format.

spare-flat (int) [IN]

No notion, searches one more expert who clears up me about this parametre.

privileg (char) [IN]

A Layer can own a writing authorisation in a plan management or be write protected. If in privileg 1 'W' stands, the user who appeals to the plan about this plan management may change and protect. If instead of this 'R' is noted, all plans are write protected and changes are prevented.

searching-level (int) [IN]


loader (const char *) [IN]


gdvName (const char *) [IN]

The name of the plan management. If is gdvName = ZERO, the open plan management is used.



If the new level are put on successfully could return the procedure ERROR_OK delivers. Otherwise one of the error messages from error.h is delivered as a result. Important causes are that the level is already existed or the plan management is not opened.


#include "database.h"



PROOT root,

int layer,

ULONG massstab,

STAND-IN aufloesung,

const char * plantyp,

int version,

char art,

int put,

int spare-flat,

char privileg,

int searching-level,

const char * loader,

const char * gdvName
