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Gets the qualities of a plan from the plan management

In the plan management the co-ordinates of the left lower corner, the co-ordinates of the right upper corner, plan type, plan name, PlanID, and level are stored to every plan. These values stand also in the plan itself. To find this and if necessary to compare the values, or to put on anew the plan, the values can be got from the data bank. It is only necessary to the fact, that the plan management with DBgdvOpen it was opened and the plan name is known. Then DBgdvReturnPlanByName determines all the other values and writes them in the Record settings.


root (PROOT) [IN]

The trading of the data bank in which the suitable plan management was opened.

name (char *) [IN]

The name of the plan, about the information are wished. He must exist in the plan management, but an error message is generated.

settings (GDV_PLAN_SETTINGS *) [IN / OUT]

By procedure entry has to go settings point at a Record of the type GDV_PLAN_SETTINGS. This is filled by the procedure when the plan was found. If the plan could not be found, becomes settings does not change.

grade (int) [IN]

aloofly, must be 1.

If further information is introduced, these become grades distinguished.

gdvName (const char *) [IN]

The name of the plan management. If is gdvName = ZERO, the open plan management is used.



If the plan was found ERROR_OK is returned. But one of the error messages from error.h is returned. The announcements GDV_CLOSED if are not probably the plan management was opened and GDV_NOT_EXISTING if the plan in the plan management does not exist.


#include "database.h"


T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBgdvReturnPlanByName (

PROOT root,

char * name,


int grades,

const char * gdvName
