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Sharp from an ID investigate.

With DBpointFromID the trading of a point within an element is determined. Because the Punkt-ID within the element are unequivocal, however, in several elements the same Punkt-ID can appear, the Elementhandle and the Punkt-ID are necessary to determine the point unambiguously. If the point does not exist, this becomes as a result zero-acts delivered. In contrast to Gradis Punkt-IDs these IDs also survive the insertion and extinguishing in the point result for points.


element (PELEMENT) [IN]

The trading of the element in which the point in request lies.

id (BlockID) [IN]

The ID of the desired point. This is 32 bits of number which the point within the element identifies unambiguously.



The trading of the point with the ID id. If the point does not exist, this becomes zero-acts as a result delivered.


#include "database.h"



PELEMENT element,

BlockID id
