DBpointFromID |
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Sharp from an ID investigate. With DBpointFromID the trading of a point within an element is determined. Because the Punkt-ID within the element are unequivocal, however, in several elements the same Punkt-ID can appear, the Elementhandle and the Punkt-ID are necessary to determine the point unambiguously. If the point does not exist, this becomes as a result zero-acts delivered. In contrast to Gradis Punkt-IDs these IDs also survive the insertion and extinguishing in the point result for points. Parametre element (PELEMENT) [IN] The trading of the element in which the point in request lies. id (BlockID) [IN] The ID of the desired point. This is 32 bits of number which the point within the element identifies unambiguously. Result (T_PPOINT) [OUT] The trading of the point with the ID id. If the point does not exist, this becomes zero-acts as a result delivered. Declaration #include "database.h"
T_PPOINT DLLENTRY DBpointFromID ( PELEMENT element, BlockID id );