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Object keys of an object investigate.

With DBreturnObjectKeys the keys of an object can be determined. The procedure supports determining the key number, while it is called with *keyCnt=0. The keys become zurückgeliefert if *keyCnt >0 is valid. In the first case the value of the pointer keys is any, in the second case must point keys at a field with at least *keyCnt to elements of the type KEY. With successful explaining of DBreturnObjectKeys she returns as a result ERROR_OK and has written in *keyCnt the really available number of the keys and has filed the keys in the field keys. If the place is not sufficient in keys, the key is put down in keyCnt the really returned number.


object (POBJECT) [IN]

This is the trading of the object whose keys should be determined.

keyCnt (int *) [IN / OUT]

By the call the procedure the number of the keys here deposited contains keyCnt either the value 0, whereupon. Or keyCnt contains a value greater than 0 on which DBreturnObjectKeys transfers at most keyCnt object key into the field keys and which files really registered key number in keyCnt.

keys (KEY *) [IN / OUT]

This parametre must point at a field with keyCnt elements of the type KEY. Then in this field the keys from object are filed.



As a result the procedure in case of the successful implementation delivers the value ERROR_OK. But the error messages can be taken from the file error.h.


#include "database.h"


T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBreturnObjectKeys (

POBJECT object,

int * keyCnt,

KEY * keys
