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Objects after object keys select.

With this procedure objects are determined with the help of her object keys as a selection criterion. Besides, all segments of the data bank which have put the Flag selectable are searched according to the criterion key1 to key2. A total of four selection constants are available. With OR become the objects whose object keys in the area key1 to key2 lie to the existing selection amount added, with AND will leave only such objects in the selection amount which also fulfil the new criterion. With NEED only the objects will leave in the selection amount which do not fulfil the new criterion. With NEW the old selection amount is emptied and the objects which fulfil the new criterion are added to the selection list. The criterion for fulfilling the new selection condition is present that the object owns an object key which is immediately or greater than key1 and is smaller or immediately key2. Besides, may be key1 not greater than key2.


root (PROOT) [IN]

The trading of the data bank, it all segments with the Flag selectable are considered.


Four different constants are available:

SELECT_NOT An object is removed from the selection list if it owns a key in the area key1 to key2.

SELECT_OR An object is taken up in the selection list if it owns a key in the area key1 to key2.

SELECT_NEW The selection list is emptied and then the objects are taken up in the list which own a key in the area key1 to key2.

SELECT_AND An object is removed from the selection list if it lies in this segment and owns no key in the area key1 to key2.

key1 (KEY) [IN]

This is the smaller one of both values in whose area a key of the object must lie to fulfil the condition. The value from key1 must be small-immediately than the value from key2.

key2 (KEY) [IN]

This is the bigger one of both values in whose area a key of the object must lie to fulfil the condition. If both values are same, only the area of the keys is reduced to a key. The value from key2 must be bigger-immediately than the value from key1.



If the procedure was explained perfectly, is the result ERROR_OK, but one of the error messages from error.h.


#include "database.h"


T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBselectObjectsByKeygroup (

PROOT root,


KEY key1,

KEY key2


Related function


