DBsignaturAddDrawingkeyEntry |
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Entry for sign key insert in signature table. With this call the lower level of the signature tables is filled. It becomes for an already known area of object keys the appearance of lines with a certain sign key, or with an area of sign keys defined. Besides, the appearance exists of a tool number for the plotter issue, a line width, a colour if no issue about tool numbers occurs as well as for the screen issue, to a Flag which determines the line types and the visibility on the screen, as well as a description of the line types for the plotter issue. There the Strichlierung of a line is defined by a result of distances is written which in each case alternately sign length and length of the following gap. Parametre root (PROOT) [IN] The trading of the data bank. tabelle (int) [IN] The number of the table which should be manipulated. For the tables constants have been defined: ORIGINAL_BILDSCHIRM_SIGNATUR_TABELLE, PLOTTER_SIGNATUR_TABELLE, BILDSCHIRM_SIGNATUR_TABELLE. key_low (KEY) [IN] Within by the parametre tabelle certain signature table the untertable of the object keys is determined by key_low and key_high. An untertable must have been put on with DBsignaturAddKeygroupEntry for exactly this area, so that the procedure works successfully. Then in this untertable a new entry is put on for the sign keys dkyLow to dkyHigh. key_high (KEY) [IN] Within by the parametre tabelle certain signature table the untertable of the object keys is determined by key_low and key_high. An untertable must have been put on with DBsignaturAddKeygroupEntry for exactly this area, so that the procedure works successfully. Then in this untertable a new entry is put on for the sign keys dkyLow to dkyHigh. dkyLow (sign-key) [IN] The appearance of an element, e.g., of a line is determined exactly by this new entry when the object key lies in the area key_low to key_high and the sign key of the concerning element lies in the area dkyLow to dkyHigh. dkyHigh (sign-key) [IN] The appearance of an element, e.g., of a line is determined exactly by this new entry when the object key lies in the area key_low to key_high and the sign key of the concerning element lies in the area dkyLow to dkyHigh. toolNr (USHORT) [IN] If it concerns the plotter signature table, herewith it is fixed which tools are used to the issue of the line or the other element. The real pencil is determined again with the help of the tool table. farbe (USHORT) [IN] Herewith on the screen and by the issue devices which do not work with pencils the colour of a line or a text is fixed. wide (USHORT) [IN] The width of a line has up to now still no effect on the representation. It should concern the pencil width in 1/100 mm and work on plotter, as well as on the screen. flag (USHOR) [IN] With these variables it is fixed which line type of a line on the screen is assigned. As the possible types are planned which defined by the following constants: DRAW_LINETYPE_DEFAULT, DRAW_LINETYPE_DOT, DRAW_LINETYPE_SHORTDASH, DRAW_LINETYPE_DASHDOT, DRAW_LINETYPE_DOUBLEDOT, DRAW_LINETYPE_LONGDASH, DRAW_LINETYPE_DASHDOUBLEDOT, DRAW_LINETYPE_SOLID. symbol (SYMBOL) [IN] If here one of 0 different values stands, the line not with lines, but with symbols is drawn. The distance of the symbols is from symbolAbstand, the minimum distance from the end of the line is to be taken from symbolAbstandMin. symbolAbstand (USHORT) [IN] If the line is drawn with the help of symbols, become these symbols with a distance from symbolAbstand drawn. The information is in 1/100 mm. symbolAbstandMin (USHORT) [IN] So that the symbols do not stretch beyond the end of the line, a least distance can be given from the end, namely symbolAbstandMin. A symbol is drawn only if the distance is up to the end of the line even greater than this value. The information is carried out in 1/100 mm. numLinienArtSegmente (USHORT) [IN] This variable brags how many entries the field linienArt owns. It has to go concern a just number. This becomes not abgeprüft and can lead to unforeseen results in the plot. linienArt (USHORT *) [IN] This is a field with the information as long the lines and gaps of a line type are. The information occurs in 1/100 mm. A line-dotted line with line length 2 mm and point length 0.5 mm with 1 mm of space has 4 entries 200 100 50 100. stift (USHORT) [IN] If stift a value has incomparably 0, it is drawn to the representation by surfaces with the pencil. With stift the colour is also defined at the same time. oldIndex (int) [IN] It is not supported at the moment. Any value is permitted. Result (T_ERROR) [OUT] ERROR_OK by perfect implementation, but one of the error messages defined in ERROR.H. Declaration #include "database.h"
T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBsignaturAddDrawingkeyEntry ( PROOT root, int tabelle, KEY key_low, KEY key_high, Sign-key dkyLow, Sign-key dkyHigh, USHORT toolNr, USHORT farbe, USHORT spreads, USHORT flag, SYMBOL symbol, USHORT symbolAbstand, USHORT symbolAbstandMin, USHORT numLinienArtSegmente, USHORT * linienArt USHORT stift, int oldIndex ); Related functions DBsignaturDeleteDrawingkeyEntry DBsignaturReturnDrawingkeyEntry