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New drawing interrupt.

The new drawing of screen contents happens always then when amInhalt of the data bank what changes. However, it can be also pushed by hand. With this function the new drawing can be interrupted. To stop the new drawing makes sense when the representation strongly changes. To interrupt the new drawing, this function is called and the new drawing state is protected. Then the functions which change the appearance of the plan contents strongly can be explained. Then this function with the old new drawing state can be called again, around the new drawing weiterdurchzuführen. If the new drawing was already interrupted the function delivers the value TRUE (incomparably 0), otherwise FALSE.


root (PROOT) [IN]

Act on the open data bank.

noDraw (int) [IN]

Possible values are TRUE and FALSE. With TRUE the new drawing is stopped. With FALSE the new drawing is pushed again.


(int) [OUT]

If the new drawing is interrupted, without the new drawing was already interrupted, becomes FALSE zurückgeliefert. If the new drawing was already interrupted, becomes TRUE zurückgeliefert.


#include "database.h"


int DLLENTRY DBstopRedraw (

PROOT root,

int noDraw


Related functions




While DBdoRedraw forces a new drawing no matter whether the new drawing was stopped or not, the new drawing is only requested with DBrequestRedraw.

If the new drawing is stopped, a call of DBrequestRedraw cannot release the new drawing.