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Moskito is a command-steered system from the user and programmer view. Actions are released only when the user sends off an order. This expresses itself, e.g., in the fact that orders and data with <Return> are confirmed and then graphic elements are visible when the goal is put. With the event mechanism it is possible to release actions, although the user operates no orders and receives the Kommandointerpreter, the headquarters from Moskito, no commands. Several event kinds are realised. Mouse events are released always then when the mouse or the Digitizer was moved. Issue events are released for every text edition in the protocol window. The events are used by Moskito themselves. With the mouse events the programme is able to indicate the sheet frame or the printable area while printing and to shift with the cursor. With the issue events the text editions of all orders can be intercepted and be diverted in a dialogue box or are also manipulated. The events take place only if a routine has announced itself for it. They take place as long as, until the suitable routine announces departure again. Accordingly all data structures which the event routine uses must be accessible for this period. If the data on the stack are put on, the event must be cancelled, before the stack becomes invalid. More: