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Calculated points on the curve between two Splinepunkten.

From before with GEOakimaParameter to two successive Splinepunkten certain coefficient points on the curve are calculated between them. In addition beginning, end and number of the points to be calculated will hand over. Beginning and end are given with the relative distance – to a value by 0 to including 1 – to the front one of both Splinepunkte, e.g., corresponds 0 to the front point, 1 to the rear and 0.5 to a point possibly at the middle of the curve between them.


koeff (stands in *) [IN]

The coefficients to two successive Splinepunkten.

sStart (stands in) [IN]

The relative distance of the first point to be calculated to the front one of both Splinepunkte, the value area is 0 to including 1.

send (stands in) [IN]

The relative distance of the last point to be calculated to the front one of both Splinepunkte, the value area is 0 to including 1.

count (int) [IN]

The number of points to be calculated, they must be at least immediately two.

x (stands in *) [OUT]

y (stands in *) [OUT]

Pointer on fields for the calculated x and Y co-ordinates. They must have one of the number of points to be calculated enough big length.


(long int) [OUT]

0 - OK: successful calculation.

1 - Mistake: Calculation not possibly.


#include "basic.h"


long int DLLENTRY GEOakimaInterpolationArray (

stand in * koeff,

stand in sStart,

stand in send,

int count,

stand in * x,

stand in * y



stand in x [5];

stand in y [5];

status = GEOakimaInterpolationArray (koeff, 0.1, 0.5, 5, x, y);

From the coefficients koeff if 5 points on the curve are calculated in the relative positions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. status must have afterwards the value 0.