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Corner between line and x axis.

With this routine the corner is calculated between the line and the x axis. The line is oriented by the starting point to the terminator point. The corner is calculated in the counterclockwise. The x axis corresponds to the corner 0 °.


x1 (const stands in) [IN]

y1 (const stands in) [IN]

Starting point of the line.

x2 (const stands in) [IN]

y2 (const stands in) [IN]

Terminator point of the line.



As a result the corner is delivered in curve measure. 2Pi corresponds to 360 °.


#include "basic.h"


STAND-IN DLLENTRY GEOangleFromStraightToXAxe (

const stands in x1,

const stands in y1,

const stands in x2,

const stands in y2
