GEOintersectStraightVector |
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Cut of straight lines with vector. Parametre x1 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the x axis of the first point of the straight lines. y1 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the Y axis of the first point of the straight lines. x2 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the x axis of the second point of the straight lines. y2 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the Y axis of the second point of the straight lines. x3 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the x axis of the local vector. y3 (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinate on the Y axis of the local vector. fish (stands in) [IN] Corner (against clockwise). xs (stands in *) [IN / OUT] Co-ordinate on the x axis of the intersection. ys (stands in *) [IN / OUT] Co-ordinate on the Y axis of the intersection. s12 (stands in *) [IN / OUT] s12 is the factor with which is determined whether the intersection still lies on the straight lines. Is valid 0≤s12≤1, so the intersection is still on the straight lines. Result (int) [OUT] As return values are delivered: 0 no intersection, 1 intersection Declaration #include "basic.h"
int DLLENTRY GEOintersectStraightVector ( stand in x1, stand in y1, stand in x2, stand in y2, stand in x3, stand in y3, stand in fishes, stand in * xs, stand in * ys, stand in * s12 ); Related functions