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Dialogue field change.

With IOchangeDialogEntry single fields of a dialogue can be modified. In addition the Dialog-ID as well as the Feld-ID must be confessed. Then the dialogue field is filled with the new text string. As data only texts are possible. According to field type this change expresses itself differently. A badge gets a new name, an Entryfield new contents, with a Frame shows to itself no change.


pipes (PIOPIPES) [IN]

The trading pipes gives the issue canal.

dialogId (int) [IN]

Within the active dialogue unequivocal number. This number was given while generating the dialogue.

feldId (int) [IN]

Within the dialogue unequivocal number. This number was given while generating the dialogue.

text (char *) [IN]

This is the new title of the dialogue field. He has the following meaning:

Badges get an inscription with this text.

Frames show no statement.

Entryfields receive this text as contents of the field assigned.




#include "ausgabe.h"


void DLLENTRY IOchangeDialogEntry (


int dialogId,

int feldId,

char * text
