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Dialogue windows explain.

IOdialog shows a dialogue window on the issue device. The appearance of the window and the elements contained in it are given by user. Also the contents of the elements are given. If the issue device controls no window management, e.g., a normal Gina station, assembly-line text editions are carried out instead of this. Normally this routine is only called when the dialogue with the routines performed below was composed.


The string with which the appearance of the dialogue box is fixed must correspond to a strict syntax. Blanks are not permitted, unless they appear in texts.

format:: = ''<(element>')'

elementListe:: = <element><elementListe>

element:: = '('<typ>', '<message>', '<x>','

<y>',' <spreads>',' <höhe>','

<titel>',' <id>',' '('



typ:: = "BADGE "|



message:: = string which is sent off if suitable element data delivers. If the first line of this string begins with ESC (Binary 27), this line is processed locally in the indicator. There are the following local functions:

<ESC>SetCursor <string>

With getätigen of the left key of the mouse the following text, followed by both co-ordinate values is sent, to Moskito.

<ESC>CloseMenue <id>

The menu with the ID id is decided, before the remaining text is sent in Moskito.

<ESC>ToggleMenue <id>

The menu with the ID id is made visible if it was invisible, and the other way round.

<ESC>SetFocus <id>

Puts the input focus in the suitable window and-1 the input window,-2 calls the plan window.

x:: = pay which gives the x co-ordinate of the element relatively to the higher element.

y:: = pay which gives the Y co-ordinate of the element relatively to the higher element.

spread:: = pay which gives the width of the element.

hoehe:: = pay which gives the height of the element.

id:: = the number which shows an unequivocal identification of the element within this dialogue. With this id the contents of the element can be manipulated later.

attribliste:: = ''<(attrib>')' <attribliste>

attrib:: = "WS_VISIBLE "| - element is visible

"BS_PUSHBUTTON "| - Badge is Pushbutton

"ES_RIGHT" - flush right input


pipes (PIOPIPES) [IN]

The trading pipes gives the issue canal.

text (const char *) [IN]

With this string the format of the dialogue box is fixed. This string should be produced with the procedures performed below, because the construction is critical. If syntax mistakes are discovered, the dialogue box is ignored without error message.

titel (const char *) [IN]

This string is written as a title line over the window of the dialogue box.

helpNameInHelpFile (const char *) [IN]

This text appears contents of the Helpfensters if in the dialogue box a Helpbutton is planned.

x (int) [IN]

x co-ordinate of the lower left corner of the window.

y (int) [IN]

Y co-ordinate of the lower left corner of the window.

w (int) [IN]

Width of the window.

h (int) [IN]

Height of the window.

dialogId (int) [IN]

A marking unequivocal for all active dialogues with which later the contents of the dialogue can be appealed.

ownerId (int) [IN]

The ID of the dialogue window which should act as an Owner. If the Ownerfenster is shifted, this window should be also shifted. Two values have a special meaning:

the input window gives as an Owner-1,

the plan window gives as an Owner-2.




#include "ausgabe.h"


void DLLENTRY IOdialog (


const char * text,

const char * titel,

const char * helpNameInHelpFile,

int x,

int y,

int w,

int h,

int dialogId,

int ownerId
