IOinformation |
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Alertbox register. This routine indicates a communication in a window. If the issue device can show no windows, a normal issue is generated instead of this. The communication must be confirmed. As return values several are possible which represent the low-spirited badge. Parametre pipes (PIOPIPES) [IN] The trading gives the issue canal. text (const char *) [IN] This text is used as contents of the box. The word wrap automatically occurs. headlines (const char *) [IN] This is as the name already says, the title line of the window. style (ULONG) [IN] With this parametre the appearance of the box of information is steered. He exists of a number of constants which can become logically geodert. From every group only one constant can be given. 1. Badge MB_OK MB_OKCANCEL MB_CANCEL MB_ENTER MB_ENTERCANCEL MB_RETRYCANCEL MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE MB_YESNO MB_YESNOCANCEL 2. Helpbutton, in addition MB_HELP 3. Icon in the box MB_ICONHAND MB_ICONQUESTION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONASTERISK MB_INFORMATION MB_QUERY MB_WARNING MB_ERROR 4. Preset badge MB_DEFBUTTON1 MB_DEFBUTTON2 MB_DEFBUTTON3 5. Adjustably or firmly MB_MOVEABLE helptext (const char *) [IN] In helptext the help file which should be opened can be given. Here ZERO may be also handed over if no help file is available. helpNameInHelpFile (char *) [IN] In these variables the key word to be searched is given that should be indicated in the help file. Here ZERO may be also handed over if no key word is given. This functionality is not supported currently. Result (int) [OUT] As a result becomes zurückgeliefert: 1 if key ""was pressed Yes" 2 if key "no" was pressed 3 if key "demolition" was pressed. 4. if key was "always pressed. This is released as a Shift Yes. 5. if key was "never pressed. This is released as a Shift no. Declaration #include "ausgabe.h"
void DLLENTRY IOinformation ( PIOPIPES pipes, const char * text, const char * headlines, ULONG styles, const char * helptext, char * helpNameInHelpFile );