IOinternDrawAddText |
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Text draw. Only for internal use. About the Messagepipe hndl a text is drawn in the graphic arts window view, or is extinguished if doDraw the value FALSE has. The appearance of the text can be put about the parametres colour, texthoehe, winkel, textart, textmode and font. Parametre pipes (PIOPIPES) [IN] The trading pipes gives the issue canal. x (stands in) [IN] y (stands in) [IN] Co-ordinates describe the origin in the graphic arts window where the text begins. text (const char *) [IN] The sign chain contains the text which should be spent. colour (int) [IN] colour certainly, with which colour the text should be shown. texthoehe (stands in) [IN] With texthoehe the height can be given, how high the text should be shown in metres. winkel (stands in) [IN] With winkel can be given around how much degree the text should be turned against the clockwise. textart (int) [IN] textart gives whether the text should be shown in fat, in italics or underlined. textmode (int) [IN] About textmode the adjustment of the text can be put: on the left, flush right or centres. doDraw (int) [IN] Has doDraw the value TRUE, the given text is drawn, has doDraw, however, the value FALSE, then an existing text is extinguished. view (void *) [IN] Act on the graphic arts window. font (const char *) [IN] With font the font which should be used for the representation is given. Result --- Declaration #include "ausgabe.h"
void DLLENTRY IOinternDrawAddText ( PIOPIPES pipes, stand in x, stand in y, const char * text, int colour, stand in texthoehe, stand in winkel, int textart, int textmode int doDraw, void * view, const char * font