Parametre evaluation

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/* Parametre evaluation */

/ * =====================*/

#include "moskito.h"/* is everything in it */

#include <stdio.h>



The following routine shows how one is able ueberpuefen, whether certain counters

are put. Desweiteren is shown, how one the values by parametres

can question.


long int parametre evaluation EXPORTENTRY (int argc, char* argv [], PROOT root)



The counters may be shortened in the command line so far,

as long as they remain unequivocal in the command line.

Example:/del (ete)/deb (ug), but not thus/de (lete)/de (bug)


int iDKY;

stand in fPosX;

char *strPosX = ZERO;


/* Query whether certain counters are put. */

/* Predefined queries stand in the Include file basic.h */

if (SYShasHelpSwitch (argc, argv))/*... */;/* after/h or/H */

if (SYShasWindowSwitch (argc, argv))/*... */;/* after/w or/W */



/* selfdefined counter queries, '/' do not cobrag */

#define SYShasTestSwitch (argc, argv) SYShasSwitch (argc, argv, "TEST");

/* after/t or/T */



/* Values of parametres question */

/* For certain types there are quite ready routines, see basic.h, */

if (SYShasValueSwitchInt (argc, argv, "DKY", &iDKY)) {

/*... */;/* The counters ''are given without '/' */

IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre DKY: %d\n", iDKY);

} //if




if (SYShasValueSwitchDouble (argc, argv, "POSX", &fPosX)) {

/*... */;

IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre POSX: %f\n", fPosX);

} //if




/* otherwise parametre value as a text fetch and convert */

if (SYShasValueSwitchText (argc, argv, "POSX", &strPosX)) {

stand in fPosX;

sscanf (strPosX, "%lf", &fPosX);/* from stdio.h */


IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre converted after float: %f\n", fPosX);

} //if

return 0;

} //Parametre evaluation
