Parametre evaluation |
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/* Parametre evaluation */ / * =====================*/ #include "moskito.h"/* is everything in it */ #include <stdio.h>
/* The following routine shows how one is able ueberpuefen, whether certain counters are put. Desweiteren is shown, how one the values by parametres can question. */ long int parametre evaluation EXPORTENTRY (int argc, char* argv [], PROOT root) { /* The counters may be shortened in the command line so far, as long as they remain unequivocal in the command line. Example:/del (ete)/deb (ug), but not thus/de (lete)/de (bug) */ int iDKY; stand in fPosX; char *strPosX = ZERO;
/* Query whether certain counters are put. */ /* Predefined queries stand in the Include file basic.h */ if (SYShasHelpSwitch (argc, argv))/*... */;/* after/h or/H */ if (SYShasWindowSwitch (argc, argv))/*... */;/* after/w or/W */ //...
/* selfdefined counter queries, '/' do not cobrag */ #define SYShasTestSwitch (argc, argv) SYShasSwitch (argc, argv, "TEST"); /* after/t or/T */ //...
/* Values of parametres question */ /* For certain types there are quite ready routines, see basic.h, */ if (SYShasValueSwitchInt (argc, argv, "DKY", &iDKY)) { /*... */;/* The counters ''are given without '/' */ IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre DKY: %d\n", iDKY); } //if
if (SYShasValueSwitchDouble (argc, argv, "POSX", &fPosX)) { /*... */; IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre POSX: %f\n", fPosX); } //if
/* otherwise parametre value as a text fetch and convert */ if (SYShasValueSwitchText (argc, argv, "POSX", &strPosX)) { stand in fPosX; sscanf (strPosX, "%lf", &fPosX);/* from stdio.h */ //... IOwprintf (DBgetIOpipes (root), "parametre converted after float: %f\n", fPosX); } //if return 0; } //Parametre evaluation /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/