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Record for announcing of plot formats.
typedef struct PLOT_PROC { int len; struct PLOT_PROC * next; char * formatName; void * params; char * comment; long int flags; int (DLLENTRY *plotinit) (char * name, char * format, stand in * spreads, stand in * hoehe, struct SIGN DATA * data); int (DLLENTRY *plotask) (char * name, char * format, stand in * spreads, stand in * hoehe, struct SIGN DATA * data); void (DLLENTRY *plotclose) (struct SIGN DATA * data); void (DLLENTRY *plotsettings) (int argc, char * argv [], struct PLOT_PROC * proc); } PLOT_PROC;
len (int) Length of the handed over structure. It is used for future versions with changed length. next (struct PLOT_PROC *) Pointer on the next format if such exists in the DLL, but ZERO. formatName (char *) Name of the plot format as a text. Should contain no blanks. params (void *) for own use. comment (char *) Description of the format. flags (long int) delivers information about the driver:
plotinit (Procedurzeiger) It is called by start of a pressure job.
Parametre: name (char *) Name of the printer or the file in which should be printed. format (char *) Name of the paper format. With an empty string the standard format is used or last with plotsettings opposed format. With a zero pointer the format is chosen for in wide and hoehe given values suitably. spreads (stands in *) hoehe (stands in *) Desired plot size in metres (Real expansion, not paper size). According to value from format the desired plot size is expected here, always the real plot size is delivered as a result (with Papierformatfähigen to drivers). data (struct SIGN DATA *) Settings for the plot.
Result int plotask (Procedurzeiger) It is called to test the paper size. Works precisely how plotinit, however, begins no job. plotclose (Procedurzeiger) End of the job plotsettings (Procedurzeiger) Adjusting of the dialogue fields. Call includes at least: /FILL Visibility of the dialogue fields place and update field contents. /PRINTPROPS Explain to a dialogue box for the putting of the settings of the printer. Only inevitably if the dialogue field is visible.