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Ascertained, whether figures of a list of areas correspond.

It will hand over a list of areas in field and a list of positive figures in values. One of the figures must be assigned to every area of positive values. From every area of negative values an area with their absolute values is formed, one of the figures may be assigned to them. If every number can be assigned in this manner to own area, the function TRUE proves. Also TRUE arises if both lists are empty or if the list of the areas contains only negative values and the list of the figures is empty.


field (const short int *) [IN]

A list of values. In the index 0 stands the number of the values, in the field 1 and 2 the first area, in the field 3 and 4 the 2nd area, etc. Being 2 areas given, full so the fields from the 0 to the 4, the value 4 stands in index 0.

values (const short int *) [IN]

A list of the figures whose occurence should be tested.

valueCnt (int) [IN]

The number of the figures from values.


(int) [OUT]

TRUE if the figures to areas correspond.

FALSE if the figures to areas do not correspond.


#include "basic.h"


int DLLENTRY SYSshortfieldMapsArray (

const short int * field

const short int * values,

int valueCnt
