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Mosquitoes Data bank is able to store geographic and non-geographic information. She exists of levels of theoretically any expansion (Partially these levels are also called for historical reasons still Layer, sheet type, segment). A level for the topography is conceivable, next for gas lines, etc. the levels lie on top of each other like clear maps. The level is divided into rectangular subfields, the plans. Every plan has a name, a position and an expansion. The subdivision of the level in plans is any and is held on in the data bank. Two levels can be split differently, even if they refer to the same spatial segment. Levels contain plans, plans contain objects. Such an object can be, e.g., a house, a street or a management. Every object is assigned at the latest with the memory to a plan. It makes sense, an object to a plan to assign which deals something with the position of the object. Because the objects can jut out above the area of a plan, this is put in the responsibility of the user. Different qualities can be assigned to the objects. They can be selected or not be selected. They can receive one or several object keys and be summarised thereby to groups (e.g., main building, outbuilding, low-voltage management, medium tension management, etc.). Objects own the elements as contents. There exist different kinds of elements, for example, text elements or symbolic elements. Several objects can be structured together about master Member relations. Selection Most operations in the data bank are explained only on the objects which are selected. Also the announcement can be put in such a way that only selected objects are shown. Thus subsets of the data bank contents can be formed during the manipulation of the data. The criteria to the education of a subset reach from an easy choice about the object keys described further below up to complicated multiple terms including position data, text contents, etc. in the menu Select are deposited a row of different methods. Object key Every object can contain an amount from object keys. Keys are figures between 1 and 65535 and double keys may not seem in an object (and are able). With these keys can be searched for groups of objects and be selected. Moreover, can take the keys in the kind of the announcement of an object, e.g., on the colour of the lines, influence. The keys have a significant order given by the user. It cannot be also changed by the data bank routines arbitrarily. Elements There are different element types with different duties. Roughly it is distinguished here between graphic and non-graphic types. As graphic types are string elements, text elements, point elements and symbolic elements, as non-graphic exist attribute elements, master elements and Memberelemente. To prevent Verwechselungen, is for information scientists is to be marked with this notation that line trains and not possibly texts are to be understood by "string elements". String elements: String elements are line trains and exist of a number of parametres and a list of points and is given to every point in which kind he is connected with his predecessor. When connecting kind are to unlinked, Line, Arcs and Spline defines. A figure built up with one single string element can be accordingly complicated. It is usual how to use the outline of a house, the Gehwegkante between two crossroads or the branch of a power supply line or gas line string element. The qualities of a string element are sign keys and surface keys. The sign key fixes together with the first object key of the accompanying object and with a table the appearance of the lines. The surface key or the shading certainly whether it >concerns with a string a line train (Schraffur=0) or a surface (Schraffur>0). Then with surfaces it is fixed with the help of this key how the surface is shown. Further it can be fixed whether the line or surface is visible. The single points of a string element exist beside a position in the three-dimensional space also of a class, a connecting type (Linkage) and a symbolic string. All three qualities own a value area between 0 and 255. As a Linkage LINK_P (no connection with the predecessor), LINK_L (just line to the predecessor), LINK_R (connection of a circle with the predecessor) and LINK_C (Spline between this and the predecessor) are defined. When Nebenbedingung is valid that always two connections of the type LINK_R aufeinanderfolgen have to go which determine then together with the predecessor a segment of a circle by three points. If one of 0 different values is given as a symbolic string, the suitable symbol from the symbolic table is drawn in the position of this point. The point class serves above all for the classification of points, has no internal meaning. See also in the menu under Daten|Eigenschaften|Element... and under Daten|Neu|Element: Line train....
Point elements: While string elements exist of several points, point elements own always exactly one point. The graphic appearance of such a point element differs from that of a point with a string element, while point elements are drawn according to her point classes. Besides, the point classes from the 1 to the 15 are booked with different marks. These are, e.g. Circle, Sharp, Cross, etc. in different colours. The kind of these marks corresponds to the symbols from GRADIS.
Text elements: Text elements contain beside the real text still the text position and a number of other parametre. The text is an arbitrarily long sign chain from the 8 bits of ASCII font. The position is a point in the three-dimensional space. The point has all qualities which also a point shows in a string element. Furthermore are for him two rotary corners Alpha and Beta defined, which describe the rotation of the text in the space. Alpha if the rotation of the text is to the x axis in the levels, Beta the rotation in the verticals (Becomes at the moment not used). However, these corners are only evaluated if the text contains no reference to a string element in which the text entlanggeführt should become. Further it is possible to give the length of the text. The text kind can be determined and values like normally, in italics, outline among other things can be chosen, Also the height of the text and the used line kind and colour can be fixed. Besides, the line kind is determined with the help of the sign key like with a string element. See also in the menu under Daten|Eigenschaften|Element... and Daten|Neu|Element: Text.... Symbolic elements: Like point elements symbolic elements have exactly one point with all qualities described on top. However, the appearance becomes more than three other parametres Alpha, Beta and Symbol certainly. Alpha determines the corner of the symbolic element for the x axis (legal value) in the levels. Beta defines the corner moreover in the verticals and Symbol the real appearance. Symbol it is understood as an index in a table with symbols. Every symbol is an object from this table which is drawn in the position of the symbol. If the table with the symbols is exchanged, the appearance of all symbolic elements of the data bank also changes accordingly. See also in the menu under Daten|Eigenschaften element... and under Daten|Neu|Element: Symbol...
Attribute elements: Attributes are pairs from a name and a value. These attributes contain no graphic data of the object, but describe his qualities. Thus an object which shows a house as an attribute with the name "House number" can contain the attribute value "2". Therefore, an attribute always exists of two parts Name of the attribute element and to him Value of the attribute element. Name as well as value can be long almost arbitrarily. The name is an ACSII text with maximum 65534 signs Length, the value is any data block with also maximum 65534 signs Length. The data block can contain as well one picture or a text. Attribute elements can influence indirectly the graphic representation. Their values can appear in texts with which then the attribute name is automatically substituted with the attribute value. If the attribute value is changed, the suitable text (attribute texts) also changes at the same time. See also in the menu under Daten|Eigenschaften object... and under Daten|Neu|Attribut...
Master and Memberelemente: These both element types must be looked together, because they are always connected with each other. A chain of Memberelementen hangs on a master element in each case. The master element owns a name as an other parametre. With this connection of master to Memberelementen a dependence is introduced between the suitable objects. If the master element, or the master is extinguished, all Member of the accompanying connection are also removed. If a Memberelement is removed against it, it is extinguished only from the chain of the Memberelemente, the master remains untouched. Because master elements have a name, an object can own several of it with different names. The appearance of the elements of the data bank is steered about tables which allow to the user to configure the system of his purposes. The most important tables are the symbolic table, the sign table and the signature table. Relations About the master and Memberelemente objects can be brought together in respect. It concerns 1:n-connections, i.e. an object is a master of a connection with several Memberobjekten. This connection gets from the user a name. The Member have a defined order in this connection. For the sensible processing some rules exist for master Member the connections whose observance is guaranteed by the data bank: An object cannot be Member of his own master connection. An object cannot appear several times as a Member of the same master connection. An object can own under a name only one master connection.