Construct | Local co-ordinate system | Construction points give

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Here several construction points can be given as numerical values over the keyboard directly.


One has the basic choice between the kartesischen co-ordinate input in the form <x value>,< Y value> and the polar co-ordinate information in the form <Distance>, <value>. If one decides on the polar co-ordinate input, even other options with regard to the corner information become obvious: Degree, new degree or curve measure.

In an other field can be chosen whether the move-level figure pairs than co-ordinates are given in the co-ordinate system, or whether they refer in each case to the last given point as an origin.

As a rule one becomes a local co-ordinate system zugrundelegen. If the suitable small box is not checked off, the given figure pairs are understood as co-ordinates of the global co-ordinate system.

On operating the OK-key disappears the dialogue field and the user it is asked about the command line to give co-ordinate pairs. Many co-ordinate pairs can be given arbitrarily. The function is finished only by operating the Enter tracer (CON).