Permanent IDs |
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In Moskito every object, element or point is marked by an unequivocal number. This number consists of the Donglenummer and a running number. Because most systems do not need this number, a new number will award with every store dynamically for the objects. However, with data bank uses it is necessary to own a permanent identification. Then the system must be switched. 1. local Dongle All installations of Moskito which work with permanent IDs need a common list in which the IDs are stored. By the start of Moskito must be put the Environmentvariable GDS$IDs and point at just this list. Besides, the definition set GDS$IDs =.\rahmen\ids is usual 2. Netzwerkdongle Moskito needs local and net lists to camp down of the IDs. Furnish, therefore, on every computer a list, e.g., moskito\rahmen\ids. Further there must exist a list on a server on which all users of Moskito own writing-right, e.g., \\Server\Moskito\rahmen\ids. Put down now on the start files of Moskito the variable GDS$IDs: Set gds$ids =.\rahmen\ids; \\Server\moskito\rahmen\ids 3. Index file (en) The index files in which the free IDs are stored must be put on for all Dongles. With a local station only the index file responsible for this Dongle can be used of course, by a net installation a local Cache, as well as a central pool must be put on. Locally: IdControl "MasterCreate. \\frame \\ids \\" Net: IdControl "MasterCreate \\\\SERVER \\Moskito \\frame \\ids \\" IdControl "LocalCreate. \\frame \\ids \\" Besides, 6 and 206 are examples of your Donglenummern. You ""can allow to indicate this by the command "version" or by the menu Hilfe|Über and next double click on the Moskito's logo. 4. Change of the Workfile Now after these preliminary works the single Workfiles must be activated by the following command. IdControl usePermIDs Then all objects invested anew are indicated constantly: