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They have received a plan and would situation-exactly like to fit him. To all misfortune the plan is of course still not in the right size.
1. Bring the plan in the nearness of the right position to a free place. 2. Search for yourselves common points. 3. Generate the transformation 4. Transform the data. 5. Test the exactness. If the plan does not fit yet, you repeat 2-4. In detail: 1. Bring the plan ACAD in the nearness of the right position to a free place. Load the data, e.g., with opening menu or LOA ACAD. Generate an object for shifting of the plan OBJ 1 STREET <Rectangle with 4 points digitize in the area of the original plan> CEL <Copy near the right position generate> Begin Declare FISH OIL Value FISH OIL set transformation (/RETURN) <Transformation, only 4 points in the aim, then 4 points in the start.> SGO <name of the plan ACAD> Trans-form PLAN Value (FISH OIL) //now the plan is nearby. Now with LOU and LIN you can generate a new plan with which the sheet borders are right. 2. Search for yourselves common points. 3. Generate the transformation Value FISH OIL set transformation (/RETURN) <Transformation, only 4 points in the aim, then 4 points in the start.> 4. Transform the data. Trans-form PLAN Value (FISH OIL) //now the plan is there where he should be. 5. Test the exactness. If the plan does not fit yet, you repeat 2-4. 6. With
Finish the whole. The transformation removes again.
See also Data | Transform Details: If you want only parts of a plan shifting, one is Trans-form SELECTION Value (FISH OIL) inevitably and you must select before the right objects. Trans-form can change all possible one: POINT, ELEMENT, OBJECT, PLAN, SEGMENT, SELECTION, ALL