JoinObjects |
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Combines multiple objects using a common attribute. All graphic elements are merged into one object. There are three options: 1. All objects with the same attribute value are merged: only SRCKEY and SRCQTX need to be specified. 2. Objects of type 1 are inserted into objects of type 2: DESTKEY and DESTQTX must also be specified. 3. Both target and source objects have no connection, but can be connected to each other via another object: JOINKEY, JOINSRCQTX, JONDESTQTX are required. Requirement An object must be open. parameter SRCKEY/<nn> Key of the objects to be merged. A list can be specified with commas or in the form a-m,n-z. SRCQTX/<ccc> Attribute based on which the objects should be merged DESTKEY/<nn> Key of the target object into which the SRC objects are to be transferred DESTQTX/<ccc> Attribute of the target object whose value corresponds to the attribute value of the SRC object. JOINKEY/<nn> Key of the object that shares one attribute with the SRC object and one with the target object. JOINSRCQTX/<ccc> Attribute of the join object whose value corresponds to the attribute value of the SRC object. JOINDESTQTX/<ccc> Attribute of the join object whose value corresponds to the attribute value of the DEST object. /srcQTXisPart With this switch, lists of attribute values are also recognized in DESTQTX. Spaces, commas and line breaks are permitted as separators. /H This switch displays help text and the calling convention. Rückgabewert
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