STSize |
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With these functions the Stationsbetextungen of the overview data can be edited concerning her size and situation. The function works on the topical selection amount, limited on a compulsory key list. The station texts of an object are shifted as a unity Hiweise: The function STSize increases the Stationsbetextung. Blattrandparallele texts are subordinated Without parametre/SEL is gone out from the open object. Parametre stationkeys/N the key of the stations factor/N.n Enlargement factor distance/N.n Text distance in metres /SEL The functionality is applied to the whole selection amount. /h Short help Syntax STSize Stationkeys/key factor/Vergrößerungsfaktor Example Call (example): STSize stationkeys / in 6050 factor / 2.5 Here the texts of the objects with the key are increased in 6050 by the height around the factor 2.5, in addition, the text distance increases accordingly. The Stationsbetextung grows so proportionally. About the optional parametre "distance" the text distance can be also given in plan metres. STSize stationkeys / in 6050 factor / 1.0 distance / 10.0
Here a text distance of 10 metres is put, the text height remains unchanged. See also