

releases the station texts of the selection list, while in an exemption circle around the station symbol a free position is determined for the Stationsbetextung. Condition is that every station object contains a symbol. If an exemption is not possible, the Betextung remains in her original position.

TxtFrei if is the generalisation of the function STPos, . Nevertheless, on this occasion, the centre of the exemption circle is the topical position of the Betextung.


With this function blattrandparallele texts are subordinated!


keys/N, n.

Object key of the stations.


Radius of the exemption circle in m.

sdky/N, n.

Definition of the string relevant for exemption. (Alternatively can be defined of string also over object key: skey/N, n...)

tdky/N, n...

Definition of the relevant texts. (Station texts are always relevant). (Alternatively texts can be also defined over object key: tkey/N, n...)

sym/N, n...

Definition of the relevant symbolic numbers. (The station symbol must be given here!)

tap dance / x.x

Step width for the Rasterung of the positioning in m, Default: 2.5 m.


Distance of the station texts to the neighbouring geometry in m, Default: 0.0 m. The exemption works inside with text and Symbolumringen, hence, only approximated values are reached.


Collisions are valued, there occurs a positioning on the "smallest evil".


TxtFrei keys / in 5500 radius / 50.0 sdky / 1.2 tdky / 3.4 sym / in 5500 step / 5.0 dist / 1.0/reset/makethebest



TxtFrei keys / in 5500 radius / 50.0


To the exemption all string lying in the exemption circle, texts and symbols are evaluated.

See also