

If a separate window forms for a desired cutting.

Besides, the position in that is the detailed window should appear, just as the size of the detailed window freely eligible.

The service occurs, as a rule, through mouse click, however, can occur also with entire information of the definition parametres.

With information of parametres either the first four parametres are given, or all eight parametres. The first four parametres determine position and size of the detailed window. The last four parametres fix them on the bottom left and on the top right to recumbent co-ordinates of the cutting which should be illustrated in the detailed window.

If become no parametres the window by a standard size on the zeros of the screen area positioned and the cutting to be illustrated with the request on the input, or request on the mouse click, for the points of the left lower corner of the window as well as afterwards, for the corner lying on the top right is given.



The screen position on the left from which the detailed window should be drawn up.


The screen position below from which the detailed window should be drawn up.


If the height brags for the size of the detailed window.


If the width brags for the size of the detailed window.

<X value on the bottom left from the cutting >

Legal value of the position below links of the cutting should be shown in the detailed window

<Y value on the bottom left from the cutting>

High-level value of the position below links of the cutting should be shown in the detailed window

<X value on the left on the top right from the cutting >

Legal value of the position on top of right of the cutting should be shown in the detailed window

<Y value on the left on the top right from the cutting>

High-level value of the position on top of right of the cutting should be shown in the detailed window


Gives the ID of the detailed window.



With entire information of parametres:


WindowCreateNewView 2000 in 1500, 500, 500 2,732,434.18 5,721,554.30 2,787,329.26 5,790,714.83



See also

SetWindow [WDI]