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Add of a new line element to the object.

Every object can contain any number of line trains. A line train is not necessarily coherent. He exists rather of a result of lines, cuttings of a circle and split pin which own a sign key and a shading as common qualities. The sign key gives the kind of the bordering line trains. The shading gives the filling of the inner surfaces. If the shading 0 is, it concerns not a surface, but a line train. With DBaddStringExisting an empty line train is suspended to the handed over object. The function delivers the trading of the line train as a result. With the function DBaddPoint can be added to the line train then points.


object (POBJECT) [IN]

Herewith the object in which the new line element is inserted is determined.

forms (int) [IN]

Gives whether it concerns with this element one with 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional co-ordinates. There are predefined constants: FORMAT_2D and FORMAT_3D. However, the values 0 can be also given for 2-dimensional and 1 for 3-dimensional co-ordinates.

Sign key (int) [IN]

With this value the appearance of the border of the surface, or the line train becomes certainly. The value serves as an index in the table of the sign keys, so that all line trains with the same sign key can receive a new appearance by changing this table.

schraffur (int) [IN]

How the sign key determines the border, the inside of the line train is determined with the shading. As a special case, on this occasion, serves the value 0. If is the sign key of a string 0, it concerns a line train. If he has passed away of 0, it concerns a surface. With surfaces the filling pattern and the kind of the filling is also fixed by a table. schraffur the index is in this table

id (ULONG) [IN]

sysId (ULONG) [IN]

ID of the new line element. These are not ordinarily known and can be given with 0. Then the call corresponds to the function DBaddString.



By perfect implementation becomes a trading on the new line element zurückgeliefert, otherwise ZERO.


#include "database.h"



POBJECT object,

int format,

int zeichenschluessel,

int schraffur,






Related functions



Marker element in the object generate.

While line trains must contain at least one base, single points can be accommodated with point elements in the data bank. Besides, every point element exists of a single point with all qualities of a point from a string. On the screen point elements appear in a special form. Point elements with point classes between 1 and 15 are shown according to the markers by Gradis, i.e. as not scaled geometrical marks. All the other point elements do not become visible. This can become from the user with the help of own sign function umdefiniert. All the other qualities of the point are not considered with the drawing. However, they are stored consistently in the point element.


object (POBJECT) [IN]

The new point element should be inserted in this object. If the object is selected, the new element is shown immediately.

pbuf [3] (STANDS IN) [IN]

This field contains the co-ordinates of the new point element. If as format FORMAT_2D is given, only the first both values are considered.

linkage (int) [IN]

This value becomes as a LINK _? however, put down in the point element, points no effect, because only a single point exists. This can be badly connected with a predecessor.

symbol (int) [IN]

If at this point one of 0 different numbers stands, the suitable symbol is drawn here instead of the point element.

first-class (int) [IN]

As long as symbol 0 are, the appearance of the point element determines first-class. For values between 1 and 15 the mark symbol known from Gradis is drawn, but the point element remains invisible.

format (int) [IN]

As possible values exist here FORMAT_2D and FORMAT_3D. With FORMAT_2D the third co-ordinate (z value) is accepted as 0 and is not taken over from pbuf.



The trading of the element inserted anew. With this trading the element can be questioned and manipulated.


#include "database.h"



POBJECT object,

STAND-IN pbuf [3],

int linkage,

int symbol,

int first-class,

int format



