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Change from attribute values of elements.

Every element can own, in addition, attributes. With this function existing values can be already changed afterwards. The attribute is searched about the name text. If he is found, the changes are made. If no attribute can be found, and is put of the Flag ggfCreate on TRUE, a new attribute with these values is put on.


ptr (PANY) [IN]

Act on an element whose element type is determined.

text (char *) [IN]

Attribute with these names is searched.

value (char *) [IN]

Pointer on the new value.

ggfCreate (int) [IN]

If this Flag has the value TRUE a new attribute is put on if necessary, if no attribute could be found. If the value FALSE is given and no attribute could be found, no new attribute is put on.


(long int) [OUT]

If the attribute could be changed or be put in anew, it is returned incomparably 0, but 0.


#include "database.h"


long int DLLENTRY DBmodifyAttributeValue (

PANY ptr,

char * text,

char * value,

int ggfCreate


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