DBmodifyObjectSettings |
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Change of an object. Objects own normally no qualities which must be changed after the production. The essential qualities are described by her contents which can be changed with suitable procedures, so, e.g., the object keys become with DBaddObjectKeys,... changed. The only exceptional case appears if objects should be worked on in the segment which contains the symbols. With these is the Objekt-ID the choice criterion and must be able to be given by the user. This happens only after the production of the objects, just with DBmodifyObjectSettings. The procedure may be applied of course also to the normal segments if the user has a need in addition. The BlockId and the SystemId, if necessary also both can be changed with her individually together. 1. Only Change of the Objekt-ID: The object gets the new ID if this is not already awarded. the old ID it becomes free. All pointers and Gradis-IDs remain valid. The ID must have passed away from 0. 2. Only Change of the Plan-ID: The object is assigned to the new plan to which the new ID belong. The plan must be loaded. He must be writeable. If the Objekt-ID are already existed in this plan a new ID assigned. 3. Change from Plan-ID and Objekt-ID: The object is assigned to a new plan under a new Objekt-ID. If the Objekt-ID are already existed a new one awarded, also if the given Objekt-ID 0 is. The plan must be loaded and be writeable. Parametre object (POBJECT) [IN] This is the trading of the object which should be changed. modifyFlags (int) [IN] 1 bit is planned in these variables for every possible change. If this is put, the suitable value is changed. Then the accompanying data in settings must be valid. Suitable constants which can become by several concurrent changes geodert are defined. settings (OBJECT_SETTINGS *) [IN] In these variables the new values of the object are filed. Only such values need it be valid which should be also changed. grade (int) [IN] aloofly, must be 1. If further information is introduced, these become grades distinguished. Result (T_ERROR) [OUT] As error messages are delivered either ERROR_OK or one of the announcements from error.h. Declaration #include "database.h"
T_ERROR DLLENTRY DBmodifyObjectSettings ( POBJECT object, int modifyFlags, OBJECT_SETTINGS * settings, int grades ); Constants #define OBJECT_MODIFY_ID 1 #define OBJECT_MODIFY_FLAGS 2