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Record for the data of a signature table entry.

typedef struct {

Sign-key dkyLow, dkyHigh;

USHORT toolNr;

USHORT farbe;

USHORT spreads;

USHORT flag;

SYMBOL symbol;

USHORT symbolAbstand;

USHORT symbolAbstandMin;


dkyLow (sign-key)

The table is responsible for sign key from dkyLow to dkyHigh including.

dkyHigh (sign-key)

The table is responsible for sign key from dkyLow to dkyHigh including.

toolNr (USHORT)

The lines are drawn with tools toolNr. The plotter pencils arise from the entry for this tool in the tool table.

farbe (USHORT)

Herewith by the issue devices which do not work about a tool table the colour of the line is given.

wide (USHORT)

Herewith by the issue devices which do not work about a tool table the pencil width is given in 1/100 mm,

flag (USHORT)

With the screen signature table the line kinds and the visibility can be steered with this Flag. The constant LINIE_OFF makes all lines with this signature invisible, the bits 0-2 determine the line kind of the lines. The values become about the constants DRAW_LINETYPE _??? certainly.

symbol (SYMBOL)

If here one of 0 different values stands, is drawn the line on the plotter not with line segments, but with symbols. The symbol with this number is used.

symbolAbstand (USHORT)

If symbol one of 0 different values is, so the line with symbols is drawn, then these symbols with a distance from symbolAbstand are lined up.

symbolAbstandMin (USHORT)

If symbol one of 0 different values is, so the line with symbols is drawn, then will have the last symbol to a distance of at least SymbolAbstandMin from the end of the Line.