Colour definition |
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Record for the appearance of lines and surfaces. typedef struct colour definition { char typeOfInformation; char lineType; USHORT toolNr; ULONG stiftOrFarbe; USHORT spreads; } Colour definition; typeOfInformation (char) Possible values are FD_USE_PEN and FD_USE_COLOR. After these values the interpretation of the field stiftOrFarbe changes. In addition, the constant FD_OVERWRITE must be added with the putting of the colour, so that this value is firmly written in the element and the values from the tables are ignored. lineType (char) One of the line types to the line representation according to hardware (DRAW_LINETYPE _???) toolNr (USHORT) Number of the tools with which the line is shown. Then the conversion occurs from the tool number on a colour and a width in hand of the tool table. stiftOrFarbe (ULONG) If FD_USE_PEN was put, here the number of the pencil, a value stands between 1 and 16. The pencil qualities are given with pencil plotters by the used pencils, by grid devices by the firmly defined line colours. wide (USHORT) The width of the line in 1/100 mm. Besides, the width is calculated on a plot in the graduation in which the plan was generated.