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Record for the selections and changing the data of attribute elements.

typedef struct {


USHORT attribNameLen;

USHORT maxAttribNameLen;

char * attribName;

USHORT attribLen;

USHORT maxAttribLen;

USHORT attributArt;

void * attrib;


id (ULONG)

Unequivocal ID of the element within the object.

attribNameLen (USHORT)

Length of the attribute name

maxAttribNameLen (USHORT)

Maximum length of the returned attribute name. If this value is smaller than attribNameLen, the rest is cut off.

attribName (char *)

Pointer on a string with the name of the attribute

attribLen (USHORT)

Length of the attribute value

maxAttribLen (USHORT)

Maximum length of the returned attribute value. If this value is smaller than attribLen, the rest is cut off.

attributArt (USHORT)

This number determines the type of the attribute. He has informative character.

attrib (void *)

Pointer on the value of the attribute.