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Orientation of the point to the straight lines.

With this routine can be checked on which side a point is to a straight line who is oriented by the starting point to the terminator point.


input_x (const stands in) [IN]

input_y (const stands in) [IN]

Co-ordinates of the point.

input_sx (const stands in) [IN]

input_sy (const stands in) [IN]

Starting point of the straight lines.

input_ex (const stands in) [IN]

input_ey (const stands in) [IN]

Terminator point of the straight lines.


(GEOOrientation) [OUT]

GEOOrientation is an enumeration type which describes the situation of points. As results are possible:

ORIENTATION_LEFT The point lies on the left side of the straight lines with regard to the orientation.

ORIENTATION_RIGHT The point lies on the right side of the straight lines with regard to the orientation.

ORIENTATION_COLLIENAR The point lies on the straight lines.


#include "basic.h"


GEOOrientation DLLENTRY GEOpointStraightOrientation (

const stands in input_x,

const stands in input_y,

const stands in input_sx,

const stands in input_sy,

const stands in input_ex,

const stands in input_ey


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