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A predefined error text spend.

There are many always returning announcements in Moskito. This are not opened to announcements of the kind „data bank“ or „point could not be put on“. These announcements can be generated with SYSerrorMessage. In system.h exist for each of these announcements Constants. The announcements themselves are put down under the name "SYSCMD" in the file Meldung.dat. By SYSerrorMessage (NO_ELEMENT); if the suitable error message can be generated now and the announcements are buffered at the same time, so must not be got every time from the file.


root (PROOT) [IN]

Act on the open data bank.

num (int) [IN]

This is the number of the error message which should be spent. Suitable constants are defined in system.h.




#include "system.h"


void DLLENTRY SYSerrorMessage (

PROOT root,

int num
