SYSerrorString |
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Error message in error text change. Moskito orders more than two different files with announcements. The first, Fehler.dat, contains the announcements specific for country to from Moskito to generated error messages. The second, Meldung.dat, contains texts, from Moskito and the user's functions should be spent. From SYSmessageString and SYSerrorString, so also from MAKE_MSG_STRING returned text has been generated with Malloc and must be removed accordingly after the use again with Free. You take the construction of the announcement files please from the suitable chapter. The procedure SYSerrorString gets only the mistake number handed over and then looks in the file Fehler.dat for the suitable announcement. All announcements performed there have the module name "SYSTEM". These error messages are careful from with SYSerrorMessage to make a distinction to generated announcements. SYSerrorString converts announcements which were delivered by the data bank. SYSerrorMessage delivers error texts which support the user's programming. Parametre error (T_ERROR) [IN] This is the number of the mistake to which the suitable announcement is searched. The announcement is searched from the file Fehler.dat under the module name SYSTEM. Result (char *) [OUT] Pointer on a text with the announcement from the file Meldung.dat. The text is with Malloc in the DLL basic been generated and has to go with the routine Free from this DLL are decontaminated again. Declaration #include "basic.h"
char *DLLENTRY SYSerrorString ( T_ERROR error );