The pop-up menu |
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An extendable, standardised pop-up menu gives Moskito G SHARP. The pop-up menu can become in the data model umdefiniert. The points of the pop-up menu are not always accessable. Parts of the menu only exist if a point is opened, other parts only if an element or object is opened. The pop-up menu is defined in the data model "Model-worldwide". Reduce The last view The next view Whole picture Object | Points Object | Edit Object | Shift Object | similar selecting Object | similar generating Object | Extinguish Element | Points Element | Edit Element | Shift Element | Extinguish Sharp | Shift Sharp | Knot shift Before call of this procedure a point of the knot which should be shifted must be identified. Then the user is asked over the command window to determine an aim position, while he digitizes a point. Of the knots it is shifted, so that all line trains which were integrated before on these knots change accordingly. During the Verschiebens of the point the new geometry is indicated as an elastic band. As long as the new position is not effected yet by a click the function can be broken off any time by the #CON-Taste of the Digitizers or the Return key. Should the new position be put precisely on an existing point or a construction point, the #CLS-Taste or of her has to go before clicking the new position The same result also becomes with the dates | Shift | Knot achievedly.