The Digitizertasten |
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The Digitizer owns eight keys to which according to working situation different functionalities are assigned. They can be used either in the Identifiziermodus for identifying or in the Digitalisiermodus for digitizing. In addition, can be worked with the keys also on Kommandoebene. Thus menu orders can be explained with the help of the keys, or be operated badges. The keys are split on the Digitizer in two groups. Four keys lie to the left of the magnifying glass, four keys on the right side. Both groups differ in view of her approach. With the P-, L-, R and C key (right side) matters the position in which the crosshair of the Digitizers is in the plan if the key is operated. The geometry of the point elements, lines elements, symbolic elements to be grasped and text elements is built up by them. The co-ordinate values of the crosshair are read and handed over to the topical function. With the functions CLS, IBID., RPT and CON on the left side of the Digitizers this position is not relevant. They are left for organisation functions and auxiliary functions which make easier the data capture substantially. Only the suitable key codes are transmitted to the in each case topical functions (without co-ordinate values). The functions of the Digitizertasten are accessible, in addition, with the help of the mouse keys and the Utility menu, so that Moskito can be also pursued without Digitizer. Identifiziermodus The Identifiziermodus is active if in the command window the request appears: Identity point give: <P>:Punkt <L>:Linie <R>:Symbol <C>:Text In this case the following functionalities are assigned to releasing the Digitizertasten. P key: Identify of the object which lies most near the digitized position. L key: Identify of the line element which lies most near the digitized position. R key: Identify of the symbol which lies most near the digitized position. C key: Identify of the text whose toe lies most near the digitized position. CON key: A function is concluded with the CON key or is broken off. CLS-, RPT-, and ibid.-key: In the Identifiziermodus without meaning. Kommandoebene: They are on the Kommandoebene if in the command window the request appears: Order give: P key: Identify of the object which lies most near the digitized position. L key: Identify of the element which lies most near the digitized position. R key: Opening the object which was identified. The standard definition is explaining the function ViewObject, so the announcements of the object data. This function is ordinarily identical with a double click of the left mouse key. C key: Opening the element which was identified. The function which is called opening is determined with the class definition of the data model. The standard definition is the announcements of the element data by the function ViewElement. This function is ordinarily identical with a double click of the middle mouse key. RPT key: Repeat of the last order field mailed by the paper menu. Not efficiently within a macroorder. CON key: On the Kommandoebene without meaning. Within a macroorder the next module following in the sequence is called with CON. CLS-, and ibid.-key: On the Kommandoebene without meaning. Digitalisiermodus In the Digitalisiermodus you are if in the command window the request appears: Sharp digitize (P/L/C/R/CON/CLS): P key: Digitize of a single point or a point with invisible connection with the predecessor's point. L key: Put in of a point which is connected by a just line with his predecessor's point. R key: Digitize from points which are connected by a circle with the predecessor's point. The information of the second point by which the radius of a circle is determined is necessary for putting on a connection of a circle as a rule. C key: Construction of a point which owns a Spline connection, i.e. a curved line to his predecessor. As with the connection of a circle the information of (at least) two points is necessary to the regulation of the line form. CLS key: This key serves for temporary switching of the Digitalisiermodus in the Identifiziermodus and vice versa. Within the Digitalisiermodus such a point can be identified. An example is the placing of new points or lines on already available points. After activity of the CLS key the following, by P, L, R or C digitized point is placed precisely on the most near lying point. If identifying a point is planned within a complicated Digitalisierfunktion, however, can be switched by CLS just, and be digitized, instead, a new point (with following P, L, R or C key). RPT key: The functionality is like the CLS key, with the difference that here switching the modes remains active up to renewed operating of the RPT key. CON key: A function is concluded with the CON key or is broken off (e.g., at the end of a line train). Ibid.-key: This key serves for integrating. The following, by P, L, R or C digitized point becomes in nächstliegenden, integrated already available line train.
Tip: While releasing the keys confirming announcements appear in the command window. In this form the key functions can be also given about the command line. The manner of writing is briefly listed in the following, besides, call x and y plan co-ordinates in each case to be used. P key: #P x y L key: #L x y R key: #R x y C key: #C x y CLS key: #CLS x y or á#S x y CON key: á#CON x y or á#N x y Ibid.-key: á#EBD x y or á#D x y RPT key: #RPT x y or á#T x y
CON: With the key "CON" is able from a function jumped over or a Menubefehl are concluded (e.g., end of a line train). Within a macroorder becomes with "CON" the next module following in the sequence called.
RPT: The key "RPT" serves for repeating last Menu- befehls. (Within a macro-sequence not efficiently.)
IBID.: This key serves for predefining of Einbindebegehren, i.e. that naechstfolgende digitized point in an already available line is integrated.
CARE: If the cursor about the Menus, caused is the service j e d e r cursor key the activating rung of the Menufeldes (->zB. <RPT> only on Digita- lisierflaeche release).