The key abbreviations (Accelerator)

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ESC The ESC sign is taken over in the input line. It is suspended behind.

NUM , Instead of the comma a point is delivered.

NUM + Instead of the point a comma is delivered.


The number block becomes in that STRG- Provide level with movements for the graphic arts cutting. They can pursue, so e.g., very comfortably a long management. The keys point in the suitable directions of the figure 5 from seen.

STRG+NUM 1 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the left below, so that the position visible on the left below up to now lies then on the top right.

STRG+NUM 2 The graphic arts cutting is shifted down. Then the objects of the lower edge are to be seen in the upper edge.

STRG+NUM 3 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the right below, so that the position visible on the right below up to now lies then on the top left.

STRG+NUM 4 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the left. Then the objects of the left edge are to be seen in the right edge.

STRG+NUM 6 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the right. Then the objects of the right edge are to be seen in the left edge.

STRG+NUM 7 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the left on top, so that the position visible on the left on top up to now lies then on the right below.

STRG+NUM 8 The graphic arts cutting is shifted upwards. Then the objects of the upper edge are to be seen in the lower edge.

STRG+NUM 9 The graphic arts cutting is shifted to the right on top, so that the position visible on the right on top up to now lies then on the bottom left.

SHIFT+DELETE Extinguishing of the identified element.

STRG+DELETE Extinguishing of the identified object.

STRG + C It an interruption requirement for the running user's function is sent. This is only effective if the user's function admits this (WindowHardBreak).

Attention: With it becomes the key STRG-C umdefiniert which ordinarily copies the text contents in the clipboard.

ALT+LINKS The views opposed last are understood. Carried out movements or zoom settings are recorded by Moskito and can be shown with this key combination again.

ALT+RECHTS The last view settings Forward (see with ALT+LINKS)

STRG+Y Like STRG + C, however, a stronger effect which are admitted by more functions (WindowHardBreak).

STRG+Z The graphic arts cutting becomes on those of the last zoom, cutting education supra Ä. sedate. This process can be repeated up to 10 spots.

Furthermore numerous menu points about marked key abbreviations are to be reached. The menu points are demanded with the key combination OLD and the respective abbreviation. To serve all menu points about key abbreviation are were marked with a low line. Under the company system Windows XP these low lines presently only obviously whom are the old key is operated

ALT+D Menu point File and other Menu points with low line are marked.

Menu point ALT+B ALT+D File and other Menu points with low line are marked.

OTHER ONE: See all menu points with low line. (With Windows XP the old key must be pressed to see the low lines)




buttonAppendix: Dialogue window