Extras | Grid | Einmessen

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With this function (MakeRasterConfigFile) a configuration file is provided for the situation-exact representation of a grid. The configuration file is put on as an easy text file (name of the grid file and ending ".doc") in the same list like the grid file. She contains the new geo-co-ordinates calculated in the transformation for four corner points of the grid and four corner points of an area from the grid which should be indicated later (if, for example, frames and legends should be left out by selfscanned maps). The so created configuration files become later from the function Extras|Raster|Rechnen (TiffMakeRasterDB) uses to indicate one or several grid pictures in a defined area situation-exactly.

The process of the grid Einmessens is carried out for every TIFF file once. Besides, the TIFF file will provide with a position and an Ausschneiderahmen. One assumes from the fact that in the grid 4 or more points are determinable by which either the co-ordinates of the desired target system are known or for which authoritative points exist in a loaded plan.

1. Call of the function MakeRasterConfigFile about the menu point Extras|Raster|Einmessen.

2. Input of the file (file and complete path) which should become eingemessen. This can happen about the entry file in the Utility window (Fenster|Leisten|Utility).

3. Information of a transformation kind. As a rule it can be given here always "GAPE" for Affintransformation.

4. Answer, perhaps, emergent inquiry whether the old transformation should be maintained with NO.

5. Input of 4 or more Soll-Punkten. Here two possibilities are given:

If exist in the loaded vector plan Soll-Punkte already as authoritative points, they can be simply clicked after the row with the P key.

If the numerical value of the Soll point is known (e.g., by co-ordinate data on the scanned plan), the CLS key is operated in each case first (or in the tool bar: „Sharp catch“). Then the query in the command window changes from „authoritative point digitize“ „to point digitize“. Then the point <><>can be given in the form ä#P <x> <y>“.

6. After input Soll-Punkte press once the CON key or the Return key. The system questions afterwards Ist-Punkte.

7. An effigy of the TIFF file is indicated in addition with position (0,0). Zoom please the announcement in this area. Then there you are able to do the known points in the same order on the grid start and with the P key click.

8. They are asked whether the result is right and a statistics is indicated which gives the Restklaffung in metres. With the answer NO you can correct the values (see also set transformation in the functional reference). With becomes weitergefragt:

9. Now you are asked to digitize 4 corner points of a frame in the grid whose contents should be indicated later. Thus you can cut out, perhaps, annoying titles or legends. If there is no legend or similar, digitize generously round the grid area.

10. The system generates in the end a file with the ending DOC beside the TIFF file in which the position of the grid file is included. It concerns an easy text file which can be looked with every editor.




Order eingeben:MakeRasterConfigFile[1]

Tifffile give:



Choose transformation kind: (PLACE, GAPE, CLB, (OLD))

GAPE [3]


Number topical points nominal points Restklaffung


1 3,458,149.621 5,539,127.841 3,458,185,710 5,539,114,210 3,110 3.874

2 3,458,094.697 5,539,054.609 3,458,147,520 5,539,059,000-2.754-3.431

3 3,458,269.571 5,539,046.402 3,458,283,580 5,539,040,050 3.158 3.933

4 3,458,300.505 5,539,112.058 3,458,314,890 5,539,104,870-3.513-4.376


MSE 5.024


Old people keep

[Ja|Nein] (N) n [4]

Soll-Punkte give: (x, y) or <P>


Authoritative point digitize:

#CLS 0 0


Sharp digitize (P/L/C/R/CON/CLS):

#P 3400000 5500000


Authoritative point digitize:

#CLS 0 0


Sharp digitize (P/L/C/R/CON/CLS):

#P 3401000 5500000


Authoritative point digitize:

#CLS 0 0


Sharp digitize (P/L/C/R/CON/CLS):

#P 3401000 5501000


Authoritative point digitize:

#CLS 0 0


Sharp digitize (P/L/C/R/CON/CLS):

#P 3400000 5501000


Authoritative point digitize:

#CON 0 0[6]

Ist-Punkte digitize: <P>


#P 28.683631 35.259524[7]


#P 921.602188 32.545486


#P 918.888149 217.100081


#P 55.824013 233.384310

Number topical points nominal points Restklaffung


1 28.684 35,260 3,400,000,000 5,500,000,000-7.801-17.155

2 921.602 32.545 3,401,000,000 5,500,000,000 8.398 18,470

3 918.888 217,100 3,401,000,000 5,501,000,000-8.670-19.067

4 55.824 233.384 3,400,000,000 5,501,000,000 8.072 17.753


MSE 19.911


Result accepts? [Ja|Nein] (J) j [8]


Lower left corner of the map click

#P 28 35 [9]

Lower right corner of the map click

#P 921 32

Superior argues corner of the map click

#P 918 217

Superior cons on corner of the map click

#P 55 233

Order give: